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All notable changes to RusherHack be documented in this changelog.

[v2.0.5] - July 6th 2024

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.21
  • Rewrote FastBreak module
  • Rewrote and fixed AntiSpam module
  • Added Filter setting to ExtraChest Search
    • Makes it so the Steal/Fill buttons only switch items that are highlighted by your search
  • Added TNTMinecarts setting to AutoDisconnect Proximity
  • Added ChatOutput setting to PacketLogger
  • Fixed compatibility with Entity Texture Features mod
  • Fixed various bugs and crashes on the 1.20.6 version
  • Fixed RichPresence ImageURL not working
  • Fixed Direction hud element yaw not being wrapped (why did no one report this to me)
  • Fixed Position hud element showing Nether coordinates in the End dimension
  • Fixed FastUse not applying to offhand
  • Plugins/API
    • Added chunk processor/scanner

[v2.0.4] - June 3rd 2024

  • Added support for Minecraft versions 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
  • ElytraFly
    • Added OnGround setting to Packet mode
    • Improved Boost mode Automatic setting
      • Now works on 2b2t
    • Fixed obstacle passer not working on Bounce mode whilst the Packet setting is enabled
  • Added GrimDisabler setting to ElytraTweaks
    • Requires firework rockets
  • Added AutoNametag module
    • Automatically renames nearby entities using Nametag items
  • Improved Tracers
  • Added Smooth setting to Zoom
  • Fixed AutoDisconnect
  • Fixed AntiHunger queueing fall damage
  • Fixed EntityList hud element lag
  • Fixed ClickGui panel dragging
  • Fixed Trajectories line ending too early
  • Fixed Scaffold command
  • Removed commands that grabbed 2b2t statistics (2b2tlist, firstdeath, playtime, seen)

[v2.0.3] - April 26th 2024

  • Added TridentTweaks module
    • Allows you to use the Trident's Riptide enchantment even outside of water/rain
    • GrimDisabler
      • Makes most movement modules bypass 2b2t's anticheat
  • Improved ElytraFly module
    • Added Boost setting to Bounce mode
      • Works on 2b2t
    • HighwayObstaclePasser now works when ElytraFly mode is set to OFF
      • Allows you to use the obstacle passer with other modules like Flight
  • Improved Flight module
    • Swapped modes Normal and Creative
    • Added VerticalSpeed setting to mode Normal
    • Improved AntiKick setting
    • Added Acceleration setting
  • Improved BoatFly module
    • Improved AntiKick setting
    • Reorganized settings to be more clear
  • Rewrote Scaffold module
    • Works much better on 2b2t
    • Fixed desync on high ping
  • Rewrote AutoSurround module
  • Rewrote HoleFiller module
  • Rewrote AutoWeb module
  • Rewrote AutoTrap module
  • Rewrote AutoEXP module
  • Improved AutoCrystal module
    • Should multiplace less
    • Improved default config
    • Added more render options
  • Improved AutoTotem module
    • Improved reliability
    • Added AutoBlock setting
    • Fixed a rare crash
  • Improved Phase module
    • Added Pearl mode
  • Improved InventoryMove
    • Added Grim mode
  • Improved Velocity
    • Added New Grim mode
    • Added Jump mode
  • Improved Greeter module
    • Added Filter setting
    • Made delay only affect non-clientside messages
  • Improved Criticals module
    • Added Delay mode
  • Added ability to pin Windows
    • Shows window even when you are not in the Windows gui
  • Added AirPlace module
  • Improved AutoEat module
  • Added IllegalDisconnect setting to AutoReconnect
    • Fixes the bug on 2b2t where sometimes after disconnecting the player would remain in the server for a period of time
  • Improved NoSlow module
    • Grim mode now works with items in main-hand
    • Added sneak setting
      • Works on 2b2t
  • Improved NoFall module
    • Renamed mode Bucket to Legit and added support for other types of items
  • Improved AutoMine Feet mode
  • Added Speed mode Entity
    • Increases your speed when colliding with pushable entities
    • Works on 2b2t
  • Fixed Search module's IgnoreNaturalChests setting
  • Fixed Spammer not working with commands
  • Fixed bug where macros would duplicate when config was reloaded
  • Fixed *baritone command
  • Fixed some rendering bugs in the gui's
  • Fixed various other crashes and bugs
  • Plugins/API
    • Refactored most of the UI related code
    • Improved the Theme api
    • Command processor now supports Enum arguments

[v2.0.2] - March 1st 2024

  • Added GhostHand module
    • Allows you to interact with containers through blocks
  • ElytraFly
    • Improved Control mode with Fireworks
    • Fixed AxisAlign settings
    • Fixed sometimes not being able to interact with containers after using Bounce mode
    • Fixed ObstaclePasser overshooting
  • ElytraTweaks
    • Fixed being kicked after being still for 1 minute
    • Fixed firework not despawning if not flying
  • AutoCrystal
    • Added Damage Ratio option to Targeting Priority
    • Adjusted rotations
    • Fixed Anti Weakness sometimes not activating
  • AntiPacket
    • Fixed packet names not being remapped
  • PacketLogger
    • Added packet settings
    • Added LogToFile setting
  • FastBreak
    • Added Return setting
    • Fixed various bugs and crashes
  • Aura
    • Added Projectiles target
    • Added ArmorStands target
  • CustomFont module
    • Added ability to toggle shadows
    • Added settings to toggle CustomFont in specific rusherhack screens
  • ESP
    • Added Barrels to Storages targets
    • Added ItemNames
  • Added ArmorStands target in Nametags
  • Added "Offline Login" button to Alt Manager window
  • Added Advanced setting to Timestamps
    • Allows you to use custom date/time format
  • Configs
    • Now saved in a way that should prevent corruption
    • Fixed ExtraChest configs not being saved
    • Fixed HitboxIgnore Blocks config not saving
  • Added module toggle color settings to HUD Notifications
  • Added AutoWither module
  • Added Custom mode to Time hud element Format
  • Added Timestamps setting to Console window
  • Added OpenAnywhere setting to Theme module
  • Added Self setting to ExtraTab colors
  • Added ability to MiddleClick Friends through blocks
  • Added ability to toggle waypoints via the Waypoints window
  • Improved AutoMine Feet mode
  • Improved efficiency of HotbarReplenish
  • Fixed not being able to reference items in commands
  • Fixed AutoTrader not opening level 1 trades
  • Fixed Sprint module rubberbanding when holding opposite movement keys
  • Fixed bug that would cause hud elements to move after resizing the game window
  • Fixed ViewModel Shader not outlining maps
  • Fixed AutoReconnect crash
  • Fixed various other crashes and bugs
  • Plugins/API
    • Added new events
      • EventAddChat
      • EventChatMessage
      • EventScreen
      • EventNotification
    • Added ability to register settings to Windows
    • Fixed plugin modules not being controllable via command
    • Exposed more functions in IRelationManager
    • Refactored logging system
    • Added ability to create graphics from an InputStream

[v2.0.1] - January 21st 2024

  • Fixed Shader ESP not working on some systems
  • Added AxisAlign setting to ElytraFly ObstaclePasser
  • Added OccludeDistance setting to NoRender ItemFrames
  • Fixed AutoTrader ignoring first trade
  • Fixed compatibility with OptiFabric
  • Fixed bugs in AutoCrystal
  • Fixed Nuker trying to mine non-solid blocks
  • Logs folder no longer gets cluttered with old log files, they get moved to an archive folder
  • Fixed various crashes and other bugs

[v2.0] - January 15th 2024

  • Added support for Minecraft versions 1.20.2, 1.20.3, and 1.20.4.
  • Added AutoSorter module
    • Automatically sort items in containers
    • Requires Baritone
  • Added Chams module
    • Modify the way entities are rendered
  • ESP
    • Added Shader mode
    • Fixed CSGO mode not working on storages
    • Improved Box mode
  • AutoCrystal
    • Fixed bug causing it to sometimes not place
    • Other improvements/bug fixes
  • Search
    • Improved speed of scanning chunks (thanks IceTank)
    • Added Range setting to both Blocks and Entities
  • Scaffold
    • Fixed sometimes rubberbanding on 2b2t
    • Added StrictExtend
  • NoFall
    • Added Grim mode (works on 2b2t)
  • NoSlow
    • Added Webs setting (works on 2b2t)
  • Improved SourceRemover
    • Works much better on 2b2t
    • Added Priority setting
  • Added MainMenu module
    • Cool looking shaders that get rendered on the main menu.
    • You can modify them in the rusherhack/shaders/mainmenu/ folder
  • Added Logo hud element
  • Added Background module
    • Particles
    • BouncingLogo
    • Gradient
  • Added blur shader
    • HUD module -> Background -> Blur
    • Theme module -> Blur
  • ViewModel
    • Added Shader setting
    • Added Shadow setting
  • Windows
    • Added icons to each window
    • Added Configs window
    • Added TaskbarSide setting
    • Now scale independently of game gui scale
  • Fixed line shader being buggy when far out
  • Added Baritone mode to AutoWalk
  • Added Baritone mode to AutoTunnel
  • Improved rusherhack screen icons
  • Improved background rendering of list hud elements
  • Added WaypointLocks setting to RotationLock
  • Added Abort bind setting to FastBreak Packet mode
  • Fixed module profile selection not being saved
  • Fixed various bugs in ExtraCraft AutoCraft
  • Fixed ExtraSign AutoSign on 2b2t
  • Fixed clicking self in Freecam kicking on 2b2t
  • Added Bees setting to ExtraTooltips
  • Added BlockEntityLimit to NoRender
  • Added Glow setting to HoleESP
  • Added MacroOutput setting to Hud Notifications
  • Plugins/API
    • Added RusherHackAPI#getEventBus
    • Added RusherHackAPI#interactions
    • Fixed plugin .jar files being locked while the game is open
    • Deprecated methods in IPlugin interface
      • Plugin developers should now put metadata in rusherhack-plugin.json
  • Many other changes and bug fixes

[v2.0-preview] - December 2nd 2023

  • Added Windows
    • Alt manager window
      • Easily switch your Minecraft account
    • Console window
    • Relations window
      • Manage Friends/Enemies
    • Waypoints window
  • Module profile system
    • Create different profiles for all module settings
    • Useful for saving configurations for multiple servers
    • Manage via the *config command (window coming soon)
  • Added AutoTrader module
    • Automatically trade with villagers
  • Added AutoTrap module
    • Automatically traps enemies with obsidian
    • Ported from legacy rusherhack
  • Added AntiSpam module
    • Filter spam out of the chat
    • Ported from legacy rusherhack
  • Added FastBreak Packet mode
  • Added Filter setting to Hud Notifications
  • Added Firework setting to MiddleClick module
  • Added AutoClose setting to ExtraSign AutoSign
  • Added ability to move hud elements on the main menu in the HudEditor
  • Formatting of *coords command now uses the Position hud element
  • Fixed various bugs and crashes
  • Uploaded javadocs for the rusherhack plugin api

[v2.0-preview] - October 27th 2023

  • Introduced first implementation of the new Plugin system
    • Developers who are interested in creating rusherhack plugins can reference the example project.
    • The plugin system is currently not enabled by default
      • Add the JVM Argument -Drusherhack.enablePlugins=true to enable the plugin system.
      • DO NOT ENABLE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING or are creating your own plugin.
    • Plugin .jar files can be placed in .minecraft/rusherhack/plugins/ folder
      • This folder must be created manually
  • Improved ElytraFly
    • Control mode with UseFireworks setting now works much better on 2b2t
    • Removed debug message printing
  • Added GrimRocket setting to ElytraTweaks
    • Increases the lifespan of firework rockets on 2b2t. Useful for traveling with ElytraFly
  • More features from legacy versions have been ported to v2.0
  • Fixed various bugs and crashes

[v2.0-preview] - October 7th 2023

  • v2.0 is an almost complete overhaul of rusherhack for modern versions of the game.

    • Not all changes are listed.
  • Previous versions of rusherhack are referenced to as "legacy" versions.

  • This version is still in development, however an early access preview is released.

    • Not all features from legacy rusherhack versions have been implemented yet, but are planned to.


  • Hud

    • Added resizeable hud elements.
      • Can be scaled by dragging the bottom right corner of said hud elements.
    • Added a visual representation for snap points whilst in the Hud Editor.
    • Added snap point at the top-center of the screen.
    • Added visual representation for empty list hud elements whilst in the Hud Editor
  • Added Rotations module

    • MoveFix used on 2b2t or other servers with similar anticheats.
  • Added Bounce mode to ElytraFly.

    • Works on 2b2t
  • Added 2b2t setting to Velocity.

  • Added 2b2t setting to NoSlow.

  • Added Theme module

    • Control theme-specific settings, such as Color.
    • Will be expanded upon with custom themes.
  • Added CustomFont module

    • Allows you to easily control the settings of the custom font renderer.
  • Added ElytraTweaks module

    • Quality of life improvements for elytra flying.
  • Added MultiTask module

    • Allows you to interact with your hands while eating.
  • Added FastUse module

  • Added Reach module

  • Added Parkour module

    • Jumps when on the edge of blocks.
  • Added ArmorSlots setting to XCarry.

  • Added command suggestions for command arguments.

  • Added screen selector to the right side of all rusherhack screens.

  • Added Image mode to ESP.

  • Added Control setting to Freecam.

    • Lets you control the player while holding the keybind.
  • Added Spectate setting to Freecam.

  • Added Sneak setting to Safewalk.

    • 2b2t option.
  • Added Riding setting to Safewalk.

  • Added AutoJump setting to Sprint.

  • Added saving/loading system to BreadCrumbs.

  • Added git commit hash to watermark for beta testers.

  • Added Preserve setting to ExtraChat.

  • Added "UwU" mode to FancyChat.

  • Added more condition settings to AutoTotem TotemWhen setting.

  • Added Extrapolation setting to BowAimbot.

  • Added WhileSprinting setting to Criticals.

  • Added Whitelist/Blacklist modes to HotbarReplenish.

  • Added Sound option to PvpInfo VisualRange setting.

  • Added ActivityCheck setting to AntiAFK

    • Checks if you are actively controlling the player before doing an action.
  • Added Cache option to ExtraTooltips Maps setting.

    • Saves map images and retrieves them via name. Useful on 2b2t because of the map id obfuscation.
  • Added DynamicColor option to ExtraTooltips Shulkers setting.

  • Added Books setting to ExtraTooltips.

  • Added NBTData setting to ExtraTooltips.

  • Added Size setting to ExtraTooltips.

  • Added Delay mode to PingSpoof.

  • Added UntilFull setting to AutoEat.

  • Added Timer mode to TickShift.

  • Added First Person camera mode to FreeLook.

  • Added Whitelist/Blacklist mode to FastPlace.

  • Added different modes to NewChunks.

  • Added HoldY setting to Scaffold.

  • Added Expand setting to Scaffold.


  • The entire base of rusherhack, including most features have been rewritten and improved compared to legacy rusherhack versions

  • UI / Graphics

    • More optimized and performant compared to legacy versions
    • Font renderer vastly improved and more accurate compared to legacy versions.
  • ClickGui

    • Remade with a more modern design.
    • Search bar has been replaced with a category bar that can transform into search bar.
    • Color pickers have been revamped.
  • Hud

    • Hud element positions are now stored relative to the screen size.
  • AutoCrystal

    • Has been completely rewritten from scratch with many improvements and fixes.
  • ElytraFly

    • Improved ObstaclePasser.
    • Moved Firework mode to a setting in Control mode.
  • Scaffold

    • Improved functionality with 2b2t's new anticheat.
  • Bind System

    • Binds are now stored in their own folder, separate from module configs.
  • Macro System

    • Macros can now be named and are now configured by the name of the macro, instead of the key.
    • Macros can now have multiple commands added.
  • Config System

    • The format for all configs have been changed since legacy versions.
    • Configs now automatically save every 5 minutes.
    • Some module-specific config files have been removed and are now stored as module settings.
  • Rotation logic has been improved.
  • Moved Capes setting from the Hud module into its own module.
  • Updated *credits command.
  • Improved HotbarReplenish logic.
  • AutoReconnect increment/decrement buttons have been replaced by a slider.
  • Moved ShulkerHighlight setting from ExtraTooltips module to the ExtraChest module.
  • ExtraTooltips EnderChest cache is now saved per-account.
  • FastPlace no longer tries to use non-block items.
    • Use FastUse for this functionality


  • Ping hud element not working on 2b2t.
  • Timestamps module showing AM/PM even with 24hr format.
  • Many more bugs were fixed as the result of the rewriting process.


  • EntityDesync module
  • PacketFly module
  • ElytraFly2b2t module
    • No longer works on new 2b2t anticheat. Use other ElytraFly modes.
  • Dismount command
  • AntiDeathScreen module
  • EXPFast module
    • Replaced by the new FastUse module

Legacy changelogs (before version v2.0).

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RusherHack and Rusher Development LLC are not affiliated with Mojang AB.
Website built by tycrek