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Modules -> World -> Scaffold

Automatically bridges and towers with blocks


Blocks - (Enum) AllBlacklistWhitelistSwap - Automatically swap to the blockSilent Safewalk - Prevents you from walking off the edge of blocksSneak - Sneak at the edge of blocksExpand - Place blocks around youRange OnlyForward - Only place blocks in front of youWhileMoving - Only expand while movingTower - Build up fasterStrict - Disable tower for certain blocks for Updated-NCPStrictSprint - (Enum) Allows you to sprint on certain anticheatsGrimNcpOffHoldY - Allows you to jump without increasing heightDelay - Delay between block placementsStrictDir Raytrace Rotate Speed Constant - Keep rotations for however many ticks for Updated-NCPTicks Strict - Adjust rotations for Updated-NCPInstant - Send rotations instantlyRender Color Width - Width of outlineDepthTest - Hide hidden sides


  • scaffold
  • scaffold <setting> [value]
  • scaffold blacklist add <block>
  • scaffold blacklist remove <block>
  • scaffold blacklist clear
  • scaffold blacklist list
  • scaffold whitelist add <block>
  • scaffold whitelist remove <block>
  • scaffold whitelist list
  • scaffold whitelist clear
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